Kaizen your lazy kids

We have already experienced how lazy our kids are. They take a long time with everyday activities, calculations, or a simple favour for their mom. They are too lazy to wake up early, wash their face and even put away their toys, for all of these situations, we have a one-minute solution called JAPANESE KAIZEN.

KAIZEN is a Japanese method that helps achieve incredible changes by using small continuous improvements until the desired results are achieved.

Steps to turn your lazy and ignorant kid into a highly productive and active KAIZEN kid

  1. Schedule a daily task, which should be done at the same time every day.
  2. Complete the task every day at the same time.
  3. Remember to stay with them and help them to complete the task.
  4. Add a little improvement to the task daily.
  5. Make it a fun activity, and reward them.

After the first 3 days, then after 21 days and after 9 months of consistent monitoring, they’ll do it without having to be pressured, and time might not even matter to them and they’ll automatically do it. We called it a habit. Once we notice improvement, Soon, it will become a habit and they will not be controlled by their laziness.

 Our Kids Kaizen Programme is promoted as Junior Kaizen MastersTM

Aim of our Junior Kaizen Masters Programme:

To implement a long-lasting desire to implement 5S, Kaizen and Time Management Skills in

  • Your kids’ lives.
    • Your family members’ lives
    • Your friends’ and neighbours’ lives

Further, this will help us to make our nation productive by spreading 5S, Kaizen and Time Management Skills throughout the country.

Junior Kaizen MastersTM is aligning with the five fundamental elements of the KAIZEN philosophy.

  1. Personal Discipline:

We help your kids to push themselves forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how they are feeling, physically or emotionally.

  1. Teamwork:

We work with kids and parents to create goals, achieve them and pave the way to becoming a kaizen kid.

  1. Motivation:

We help your kids to be motivated through initiating, guiding and maintaining goal-oriented behaviours and also to develop kids’ thought processes towards every opportunity to display their full potential.

  1. 5S Teams, Quality Circles and Junior Kaizen Masters Alumnus Association:

Admission to create knowledge hubs within the kaizen kids

 Join us to be a systematic kaizen parent and to guide and help your child to be mastered in Kaizen.

What is the impact Kaizen can do on your kids?

Your kids;

  1. can continuously improve no matter how good or bad they are now.
  2. not waste time making excuses but focus on finding solutions.
  3. will learn the simplest and greatest problem-solving methods in the world-“5 why”s and “1 how”
  4. Will learn to use their brains, not the money in parents’ wallets when finding solutions.
  5. Will learn the theory of doing something is better than doing nothing.
  6. will make sure everyone in the team is engaged.

In Conclusion,

 Aim for small improvements in your kids’ day to day life. With the timeline, you’ll see tremendous growth towards the ultimate goal.

Join us to change your beloved son/daughter into a JUNIOR KAIZEN MASTER

Contact Us- 0777444026/0112626844

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Kaizen your lazy kids

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